- APS Lab Instruments Pvt. Ltd. offers Fume Hood in number of sizes
and range depending on your needs.
Fume Hoods are recommended for exhaust from the hood working
area, of gases, vapor, toxic particles, odor to improve working
environment of people who regularly handle toxic substances.
These reduce personal exposures and odor level in the laboratory.
These are designed to exhaust toxic, or otherwise harmful vapors
etc., for protecting laboratory personnel & equipments.
A motorblower exhaust system (Optional) generates negative pressure
within the hood, extracting the contaminated air from the work
area and expelling it into the atmosphere and preventing the fumes
from escaping into the room. These are recommended for various
laboratories like Bio-Chemistry, Pharmaceutical units, printed
circuit etching/cleaning etc. These are capable or handling
corrosive fumes of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids etc.
If workarea walls are lead-lined (Optional), it can be effectively used for
Radio-Isotopic applications.
Fume Hoods are recommended for exhaust from the hood working
area, of gases, vapor, toxic particles, odor to improve working
environment of people who regularly handle toxic substances.
These reduce personal exposures and odor level in the laboratory.
These are designed to exhaust toxic, or otherwise harmful vapors
etc., for protecting laboratory personnel & equipments.
A motorblower exhaust system (Optional) generates negative pressure
within the hood, extracting the contaminated air from the work
area and expelling it into the atmosphere and preventing the fumes
from escaping into the room. These are recommended for various
laboratories like Bio-Chemistry, Pharmaceutical units, printed
circuit etching/cleaning etc. These are capable or handling
corrosive fumes of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids etc.
If workarea walls are lead-lined (Optional), it can be effectively used for
Radio-Isotopic applications.